As a Smart University alumnus, you are already a part of the global Smart Alumni Community.

However, membership with your Smart University Alumni Association allows you to stay better connected and makes our University stronger. Your Alumni Association supports many valuable programs, services and scholarships, all of which is made possible by the support of alumni like yourself.

We aim to strenghten relationships between Smart alumnae, students, and soon-to-be alumnae while maximizing potential in both personal and professional lives.

Membership Benefits & University Support

Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties. For more information, email

Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties. For more information, email

Our Alumni Locator Service assists with reconnecting alumni who have lost contact with one another. We always ensure your privacy and contact information is only disclosed upon approval and verification by both parties. For more information, email

Strengthening Relationships

The balance Smart maintains between honoring the past and remaining committed to the future is one of its most compelling attributes. Our alumnae are an incredibly talented, committed and diverse group of women who embody the spirit of our motto, Surgere Tentamus. We hope you’ll stay in touch, join our network, and bolster our community by supporting Smart students today.

Please also be sure to check out our Special Alumnae Edition of Surgere. We created this one especially for our alumnae community featuring your news, successes, ventures, and adventures after graduation, and how you’ve maintained ties with Smart across the year.

Alumnae News
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Alumnae Events
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Nobel laureates
bachelor’s recipients were employed
MacArthur fellows
bachelor’s recipients were employed
NCAA titles
graduates hold a position related to their degree
Olympic medals
overall student-athlete GPA for Spring 2016
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