Welcome to Colegio Rex Kindergarten!
We offer an unique and superior program in Mexico because we offer the Alberta Education Program of Studies in English. Kindergarten is a wonderful way for your child to discover what school is like and to have fun while learning new things. In this exciting new community, children’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn are structured through organized activities and purposeful play. Your child will interact, imagine, experiment and explore to add to their knowledge, learn new skills and practice what they’ve learned.
Bicultural - México - Canada
Colegio Rex Canadian School has been working on complementing its curriculum making sure our students meet Alberta Education standards along with the ones established by the Secretaría de Educación Pública in México. Students enrolled in the Alberta program will be endorsed in both SEP (México) and Alberta Education (Canada).
Alberta Certified Teachers
Teachers at Alberta accredited international schools are required to be Alberta certificated or have teaching credentials approved by Alberta’s Ministry of Education. This ensures that the Alberta curriculum is successfully delivered. The ministry maintains high standards for educators by requiring teacher preparation and professional growth that focuses on knowledge, skills and attributes needed to guide and motivate students to be successful.
Throughout the Kindergarten year, your child’s teacher will observe and record your child’s learning and progress in relation to the expectations for the seven learning areas included in the Kindergarten Program Statement. The teacher will keep notes and use checklists to record observations. They will look not only at your child’s work but also at the skills and strategies that your child uses. By observing your child many times in different situations, the teacher is better able to build a more complete assessment of your child’s learning.
In Kindergarten your child will be working towards the following outcomes:
A is for apple. Your child will begin to understand that letters have sounds and that together those sounds form words and carry meaning. They will have fun sharing their ideas and experiences, forming letters, printing their names and playing with the new words they learn.
Learning numbers and solving problems with patterns. Your child will represent and describe quantities of things up to 10. They will understand and create repeating patterns and compare objects based on their attributes. They will solve problems involving numbers, patterns and objects, and connect numbers to their everyday life.
I am unique and I belong! Your child will develop a strong sense of identity, self-esteem and belonging by exploring their environment and sharing stories. They will see themselves as unique and discover the connections they have with others.
What do I see, smell and hear in my community? How do I shape the environment? Kindergarten children explore materials, build structures and use technology to explore, investigate and describe their world. They see similarities and differences and become aware of how one action can cause something else.
I know how to act and how to work and play with others. Kindergarten children develop ways to express their feelings positively and to show respect and care for others. Trying new things and taking risks give them confidence in their ability to learn so they take responsibility for completing activities.
A healthy body is part of a healthy life. Your child will begin to develop a love for physical activity through movement, games and activities. They will use a variety of equipment and see that they have the power to make healthy food choices and play safely
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Drama, art, music and dance give your child ways to express their ideas and feelings, to bring their imagination to life and to see their creativity in a variety of forms. Your child will respond to objects and art, explore music and dance, and develop confidence through drama.
Know more about the Kindergarten program at glance:
For more information on the program or about enrolling your child, please click here.
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